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Outstanding Paper Award

Each year, CERA honors one of its members with the Outstanding Paper Award. Authors of original, unpublished articles contributing to the field of educational research, program evaluation, assessment, accountability, or related topics are invited to submit their papers for consideration for the CERA’s Outstanding Paper Award. The recipient of the CERA Outstanding Paper Award receives paid conference registration to both CERA’s Annual Conference and to the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Meeting where he or she will represent CERA. Individuals must be a member of CERA and have their abstract accepted for the CERA Annual Conference in order to apply for the Outstanding Paper Award.  

2023 Award Winner

Kelly B. Bacher, Patricia Baron, Molly Faulkner-Bond, Shuqin Guo, Alesha Moreno Ramirez, Mao Vang

California Department of Education, ETS, and WestEd

Research Evidence to Support Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in Reclassification Decisions

Past Award Recipients:

​2018 | Dr. Teri Marcos, Dr. Donald Wise, Dr. Susan Belenardo, Dr. William Loose & Dr. Wayne Padover

How Urban California Educators Engage Academic Optimism to Maximize Equity in Student Learning Within Low Socio- Economic Status Schools

2017 | Dr. Danielle Guzman
Designing Accessible Formative Assessment Tasks to Measure Argumentation Skills for English Learners


2016 | Christoforos Mamas, Alan J. Daly & Giovanna Schaelli  
Socially responsive classrooms for SEND students

2015 | Karen Manship & Heather Quick  
Impact of California’s Transitional Kindergarten Program

2014 | David Stevens  
Building and Utilizing an Academic Support Index

2013 | Daeryong Seo
What Makes High School Asian English Learners Tick?

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